The Gift of Presence

two-friends-wallpapers“He who calls you is faithful, he will surely do it” (1 Thess 5:24).

It is very special to have “found” the Gospel of Jesus Christ when I was without purpose and no hope of every finding it on my own. I grew up in a home where the things of God were given only intellectual assent and never personally applied or taken serious. It was like knowing it was indeed true but pretending to live like it wasn’t.  Continue reading “The Gift of Presence”

Being a Difference Maker

DifferenceMakerI really enjoy sports!  I mean real sports like hockey, baseball, football, and occasionally basketball.  I follow my teams with great interest and passion. Our family has spent much time travelling to cities to see those teams in action.  For us in Canada, Saturday night is hockey night, it is almost as important as going to church (notice the word “almost” lest you think I have really lost it!).  But, to actually coach a team or develop a strategy for how to run the “power play” or to play “shorthanded”, would be next to impossible for me.

Continue reading “Being a Difference Maker”

It’s Time

Billy-Graham-Quote-God-Proved-his-Love-300x300We were made to love and be loved.  Every human being on this round little sphere we call earth has the same basic need.  It matters not your skin colour, your language, or your religion.  It is something that each of us are born needing, so it is not a result of personality or emotional need, it is a result of how we were created.Continue reading “It’s Time”