The Dire Importance of Reading the Word

I truly believe that reading the Word on a daily basis does a few things in us, to us and for us. First, we develop the habit of reading/meditating on the Word and that is ALWAYS a good thing. Second, over time we develop the discipline of doing so NO MATTER WHAT! So, it doesn’t matter where you are, whether you on vacation, visiting the in-laws, Bible reading takes precedence over EVERYTHING else. Now, the word “discipline” is not a bad word, in fact it is what is required for God’s servants to be “successful” in their walk with him. This means that at times we get up earlier than most in order to get in physical exercise as well as spiritual exercise. 

What I have discovered is that discipline of reading the Bible is worth my time and effort. Now, it is not a magic genie in which all of my temptations magically disappear BUT it does re-orient my thinking into being more sensitive to the presence of the Spirit of God when the temptations do come.  

I realize that those of you with young children face another difficulty.  But I have found over the years that my wife guards that time for me in order to help me grow in Jesus.  As you grow in this discipline, your kids and your wife, will be sensitive to the time you have in reading the Word. 

This discipline also helps me to have a greater appreciation for ALL of God’s Word. As much as it is difficult to read some portions of Chronicles and the genealogies of Genesis, there is much to be gained by the blessing of accomplishment in reading those sections that you may not even know existed beforehand. 

One last thing, (sorry that the preacher in me is coming out in me!) the habit of reading the Word will produce in your life a longing to be like Jesus and a desire to please him in all you do. THAT is worth it all.  

My counsel to you is download the YouVersion Bible app (, once you do look through all the plans that they have there, pick one that fits where you are in your life, and START. I love it because if I fall behind a few days, it reminds me! And I dislike immensely falling behind, it motivates me to keep on keeping on.  You can even find an accountability partner there if you wish. 

Any ways, just a few thoughts for you, friends.  If I can help you further with this, please let me know and I would love to do what I can. 

God bless you in 2021!

Back To Basics

Something just doesn’t add up!

Mathematics was never was one of my strongest subjects in high school. It is embarrassing to say so but…I was in the remedial class.  There I said it, whew, I feel much better for having bared my soul to you! But one thing that I did learn was that if you do this you will get that.  It is the law of cause and effect.  It is black and white, the answer is either right or wrong.

Continue reading “Back To Basics”

Step by Step


When I first became in Christian in 1978, I knew very little about the discipline it would require to live the Christian life.  Soon after God invaded my life, I was soon met with challenges in my life that I never had before.  Yes, I was now assured of a home in heaven when I died but I struggled with the reality of the battle between my new nature and the old, cantankerous one that refused to let go.

Continue reading “Step by Step”

365 Opportunities

TimeIncredibly enough, 2013 is about to have its last kick at the can! As I look back on this year, I can see the fingerprints of God all over the calendar.  My wife and I celebrated 30 years of wedded bliss. Through the ministry that God gave us we saw many people come to Christ.  Operation Christmas Child  celebrated 20 years of faithfulness in sharing God’s love to the children of the world. There was our wonderful time as a family in Vancouver.  All of these events had God’s grace underlining each one. Continue reading “365 Opportunities”