The Invitation of Grace

Broken, undeserved, headed in the wrong direction- are all terms that shout out our desperate need for help. They describe our situation to a “T”.

We are born incomplete but full of potential. We have a built-in sense of incompleteness that rears its ugly head in times of failure and conflict. We know something isn’t right deep down in our soul.

Humanistic philosophies of life will tell us that the answer is deep inside of us. But the harder we try, the more frustrated we become. We end up trying to medicate our souls with drugs, alcohol or experimenting with all the pleasure that the world has to offer. But at the end of the day that aching feeling just won’t leave.

This is not new, not in the least bit. The most devoted people who ever walked the planet battled with their own personal set of idiosyncrasies and challenges. The difference between us and them, is that we are reading about them two thousand years later! How would you feel if your life was written about so the whole world could read about your failure?

The night before Jesus Christ was to be sentenced by the Roman Emperor Pilate to be crucified, the group of his closest followers met together in what is known as the Upper Room. Jesus has now revealed to them God’s plan to redeem the lost human race through his death on the cross. He shares with them that all of them will flee and deny that they even knew him. They thought that was beyond the realm possibility, especially Peter. It was unimaginable to them that they could do such a thing. But they did.

Here is a question to think about: What would have happened if this was the end of the story? What if the disciples would have been left with the guilt of betraying the Lord with their words and with their actions? Let me get up close and personal with you, dear reader, what happens when you betray the Lord by your actions and attitudes? It occurs more than we care to admit. I’m convinced this is why we are sometimes paralyzed because we don’t realize the extent to which our actions and attitudes are revealed by the guilt we carry around.

The good news is, I should re-phrase that the unbelievably good news is that this wasn’t the end of the story for the disciples and it isn’t the end of the story for you and me. After the resurrection, the disciples are hiding out just in case the Romans start coming for them. Into a locked room, Jesus appears to them, rebukes them for their unbelief and restores them to fellowship with him. It is only after this that he issues what we know as the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel…”

What you and I need to understand is that yes, it is quite possible and probable that we have done something, said something, and even denied Christ himself in search of a better life. BUT (here is the greatest news you will hear today!) Christ stands ready to restore you back as a son or daughter of faith. We have a hard time with that because we don’t think that we now deserve it, but the fact of the matter is we can never deserve it. Our walk with God is marked by his sweet aroma of grace.

Here is my challenge to you today. Knowing that we can’t do enough to earn his grace, it’s time for you and me to accept it for what it is: the free gift of God. Allow Jesus to be the Lord of every defeat you have ever had, every battle with temptation that you may have lost, and every hope that you carry. Pray and ask the Lord to change your heart and desires that they may be centered around him.

God is so good to us! Yes, there are struggles that we deal with sometimes on a daily basis but when we walk consistently with Jesus, he shows us the next step to take!

If I can help you with your walk with God or even prayer for you,  please drop me an email at, I would love to be an encouragement to you today.

A Man Named Tom

Tom* had a goal.  

I first met him a few months after beginning my ministry in Chatham, Ontario.  By the time I came on the scene, he had been diagnosed with brain cancer.  The suddenness and the seriousness of that diagnosis led him and his wife to search for answers for the here and now, as well as for eternity. Continue reading “A Man Named Tom”

Glory to the New Born King!

Glory to the New Born KingJesus Christ was born to buy back you and I from the cruel taskmaster of sin. I have attempted to draw a picture with words this month of the beauty and humble majesty of his coming to dwell among us.

My prayer is that he would be exalted as the King of my life everyday and that everyday I would worship him with every fibre of my being! Would you join me in that prayer?

Here are the 4 blogs, really personal devotional thoughts, that reflect the desire to live for him daily!

The Hope We NeedThe Hope We NeecThe Process of PeaceThe Process of PeaceReally Good NewsReally Good NewsWhen Love Came Down When Love Came Down

Dedicated Passionately to the Church

Sports “fans” are half-crazy. There are some who buy “jerseys” and “hats”, there are others that makes no difference whether your team wins or not. They, obviously, really do not have passion. Personally, I’ve been a fan of a team for a long time, since 1967, they have not won anything, but I keep watching their games and buying things that show I’m a fan.  I guess you could say I am passionate about that team!

There is a big difference between the person who only attends the church out of a sense of duty and the person who is really committed to it. The person who attends without getting involved has other reasons to be there, the person committed passionately to the church would really give his life for her. How, then, can we become passionately committed to the body of Christ?
There are 4 commitments that have those who are passionately committed to the Church possess.Continue reading “Dedicated Passionately to the Church”

What in the World!

By this all people will know that you are my disciples...
By this all people will know that you are my disciples…


In recent days there has been a lot of hand wringing among the people of the church.  There is a general feeling that everything is out of control and that the world is careening rapidly down to the hill into the abyss of hell.  The announcement last week of the United States Supreme Court decision in regards to same-sex marriage has caused an uproar among people of faith.  I have had the privilege of living in the United States and know how patriotic most of God’s people are. There seems to be a very close association between government and the church. To many government is a reflection, or ought to be, of Biblical values.Continue reading “What in the World!”

Always and in Everything


Really? Always…and…in everything? You can’t be serious!

That is my first reaction as I read Ephesians 5:20, “…giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” What an unbelievable statement! My question is: “Who can do that?”
Continue reading “Always and in Everything”

Growing in Grace

YImageou have heard the old saying, “I am praying for patience and I want it now!”  It is so true in many areas of life that what we need to learn only comes as we apply the principle of patience in our lives.  My former professor and pastor often says in regards to people who strive for positions that they are not ready for, “That person has not suffered enough.”  He is saying that we desire that God place us in positions of employment that we have not the maturity nor the experience to handle.Continue reading “Growing in Grace”

Christmas’s Greatest Surprise

The birth of Jesus in the manger at Bethlehem was the beginning of the fulfillment of God’s plan of redemption for the human race.  Actually, God had been planning to send His one and only Son into the world on the ultimate rescue mission for all time.  From the moment that Adam and Eve fell into sin by disobeying God, God had a plan.  He was not caught by surprise nor was he unprepared. What is surprising from our human perspective are those to whom God committed his plan. Continue reading “Christmas’s Greatest Surprise”